Furniture Store

Broken Stripe Rug

How do you create a neutral rug that also has a bit of bling? That was the challenge we posed when designing our Broken Stripe Rug (2010). A blend of viscose and wool, this rug has a subtle shine and plush texture that feels great under your feet, especially when you shed your shoes and socks. And unlike rugs with bold patterns that overpower the room, the Broken Stripe is more of a non-pattern aesthetic. It is unique and visually rich, but it doesn’t steal the show from your furniture or artwork. (If only all the things in our lives were so well behaved.) The Broken Stripe Rug’s manufacturer is a member of Rugmark, which ensures that the Rug is made in a socially responsible manner. The global nonprofit organization is fighting to end child labor and improve educational opportunities for children in India, Pakistan and Nepal. Made in India.